EPSG dataset for Apache SIS

EPSG dataset for Apache SIS

The EPSG geodetic dataset provides definitions for thousands of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS), together with parameter values for thousands of Coordinate Operations between various pairs of CRS. This 'sis-epsg' module contains the SQL scripts for creating a local copy of EPSG geodetic dataset. EPSG is maintained by the IOGP Surveying & Positioning Committee and reproduced in this module with identical content. See http://www.epsg.org/ for more information.

Provided odvisnosti (1)

Skupina / Artefakt Različica Novejša Različica
org.apache.sis.core » sis-referencing 0.7 1.0

Test odvisnosti (1)

Skupina / Artefakt Različica Novejša Različica
junit » junit 4.8.2 4.13.2